Map - Hajdúböszörmény

Hajdúböszörmény is a town in northeastern Hungary with a population of approximately 30,000 people.

It is also known as a famous college town with an excellent academic atmosphere, as it is home to one of the faculties of the world's 551st best university, the University of Debrecen. It has a unique circular plan (like Paris) to the streets that is supposed to have originated as a defense from invasion or attack. Not knowing the plan of the streets a visitor could easily get quite lost only to discover that they were walking in circles for an extended period.

Like many smaller towns of Hungary the population even within the city limits generates income as well as household necessities from agriculture and animal husbandry, because of this feature of the local economy, high fences and a cornucopia of smells are very common even within the town core.

In 1990s Hajdúböszörmény underwent an economic crisis causing widespread unemployment. Many attribute high unemployment levels to the falling of the Iron Curtain that took place in 1989 and the adjustment period that any economy would need to go through in such an economic upheaval. One more recent cause of unemployment was the downsizing of the General Electric Tungsram plant (due to new economic options the company was exploring in China).

Map - Hajdúböszörmény
Country - Hungary
Flag of Hungary
Hungary (Magyarország ) is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Spanning 93030 km2 of the Carpathian Basin, it is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east and southeast, Serbia to the south, Croatia and Slovenia to the southwest, and Austria to the west. Hungary has a population of 9.7 million, mostly ethnic Hungarians and a significant Romani minority. Hungarian, the official language, is the world's most widely spoken Uralic language and among the few non-Indo-European languages widely spoken in Europe. Budapest is the country's capital and largest city; other major urban areas include Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Pécs, and Győr.

The territory of present-day Hungary has for centuries been a crossroads for various peoples, including Celts, Romans, Germanic tribes, Huns, West Slavs and the Avars. The foundation of the Hungarian state was established in the late 9th century AD with the conquest of the Carpathian Basin by Hungarian grand prince Árpád. His great-grandson Stephen I ascended the throne in 1000, converting his realm to a Christian kingdom. By the 12th century, Hungary became a regional power, reaching its cultural and political height in the 15th century. Following the Battle of Mohács in 1526, it was partially occupied by the Ottoman Empire (1541–1699). Hungary came under Habsburg rule at the turn of the 18th century, later joining with the Austrian Empire to form Austria-Hungary, a major power into the early 20th century.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
HUF Hungarian forint Ft 2
ISO Language
HU Hungarian language
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Austria 
  •  Croatia 
  •  Romania 
  •  Serbia 
  •  Slovakia 
  •  Slovenia 
  •  Ukraine